
"How subtle and deep was the intelligence of women, I thought. How much they know. How much they can sense. How simple and crude, how naive, sometimes seems the intelligence of men compared to the intelligence of women. What deep and wonderful creatures they are. Who can truly understand the emotional depths and needs, eons old, of these flowers of nature and evolution? How natural, then, it is, that the truly loving man will concern himself not with her distortions and perversions, ultimately barren, but with her emotional and sensuous truths, ancient and deep within her, with what might be called her biological and natural fulfillment."
 nahjla{WI}  restricted White Silk slave of Warrior_Inn

 The story of the bright kajira now called jewel{WI} is not unlike stories of other barbarians found on Earth and brought to Gor. The story is told similarly by many girls that find themselves here on this planet called Gor.

At first the kajira was in shock from being abducted from her high class suburban home. Finding herself in a small cage, wearing a collar band around her throat, she thought it was all a dream she could not wake from. When reality struck that she indeed was on a very different planet and she was not going to be Freed or taken home, she learned to adjust; she learned the language, as well as how to survive.

At first it wasn’t easy, in her first days here she was sold to a Tavern Owner in some sea port she knew not the name. He did not find her pleasing and was ready to fling her into the smelly canal. A Master came by, paying a price he bought her just before she became urt food. Binding her and placing a hood over her head she was transported by ship to another Port town this was Port Kar. Taken to another tavern she was taught the ways of being a slave, and learning her collar well. For her to survive in this at times uncivilized world, she learned quickly to please as well as be beautiful.

After a time one of the co-owners of the tavern went away and never returned, the other owner put the slaves in the town slave kennels for safe keeping until his return, but he never returned.

Later to cover the costs of being held at the slave kennels the keeper obtained permission from the city to sell the abandoned slaves at auction. A slaver bought her, taking her to an island tavern. She served there for quite a long time. The owner of the tavern lost her in a slave raid by a mysterious tarnsman, a Master, who then took her by tarn to Ar. The tarnsman gifted her to the owners she has today, to serve and be beautiful, joyful and show her true kajira heart in the #Warrior_Inn.

 "Do you know, ultimately," I asked, "who will prove to be your one best trainer?" "No, Master," she said. "You, yourself," I said, "the girl, herself, eager to please, imaginative and intelligent, monitoring her own performances and feelings, striving lovingly to improve and refine them. You yourself will be largely responsible for making yourself the superb slave you will become."
- Savages of Gor