
  We seek to develop a Gorean Inn and Home that through our role-play and discussions offers an environment that is unique to our Home, entertaining, fulfilling our needs for these things on-line.

Due to the fact that Goreans inherently desire structure, We must have a bit of this; without it, there is chaos. We have two levels of protocol, high and low. This is not unique to our Inn, but the concept is a good one, so we have adopted it.

If the topic line in the room does not say High Protocol, then low protocol is in effect.

It will be stated in the topic when High Protocol is required.

Low Protocol -

During Low Protocol levels slaves that do not live at The Inn must beg permission to enter, exit, step away from the keyboard, and return from being away from the keyboard. Any slave should take great care to hold themselves to a standard of excellence in The Inn, at any time they are there. The slaves whose owners reside at the Inn do not need to beg entrance, but likewise they too should beg to leave and AFK, we require excellence.

When the Protocol Level in The Inn is set to Low Protocol slaves should greet all Free Person’s individually. Unless there are more than 7 Free People in the channel at which point slaves should greet all Free present individually, and extend a general greeting to the slaves. The same concept applies when leaving as well. The reason this is done is to keep down the sea of ‘greetings’ and ‘be well’ going on in the Inn.

Low Protocol also means that slaves are expected to offer service to any and all Free Persons. This is done in a formal ritual such as one you have seen or been taught. Commonly you approach a single Free person - kneel properly - and offer service. What the Free person chooses from that point is up to them. They may choose anything from the menu book found on this site.

Low Protocol is what you see going on in other Gorean based channels at any given time. Lots of girls serving - or dancing - people conversing with one another - yet all the time conducting themselves as Goreans.

Low Protocol does in fact apply to everyone present in the Inn. During times of Low Protocol Free persons are also expected to maintain the rituals of Gorean interaction.

High Protocol:

High Protocol will be noted in the topic line of the Inn. The topic is posted for you in the room as soon as you enter. It will say in the topic line - High Protocol in effect.

When the Protocol Level in The Inn is set to High Protocol something is usually going on in The Inn that we do not wish interrupted with a lot of other things going on, e.g., a Gorean topic of discussion.

During times of High Protocol slaves are expected to enter the room quickly, greeting all the Free in the room in one brief statement and to do their best not to draw attention away from the discussion or activity at hand.

During times of High Protocol slaves should not seek permission to enter the Inn or to go away from keyboard or return from such and should not offer to serve in any way that would distract from the discussion. While slaves are encouraged to participate in the discussion in The Inn take note that neither a High Protocol setting nor Low Protocol setting does not imply permission to speak without restraint. If the Free desire that a slave speak freely, this privilege will be granted on a one-time at the time, basis.

Slaves participating in a channel discussion during times of High Protocol are expected to speak in third person while contributing to the discussion. Your services to the Inn during these times are your ability to speak, converse and hold a discussion in a pleasing and slave like manner.

Free persons also need to remember that the girls will not be offering you service - or moving about the room in order to insure you needs are well taken care of. We ask that you please take this into consideration. If are wanting service from one of the slaves - please take into consideration what is going on in the room. If you feel that a girl serving you will not detract from the discussion going on in the room - you are welcome to call a girl before you and have her serve you.

These levels are put into place to assist in governing the flow of what is going on in the Inn. They have been set in place by the Men of The Inn for a clear purpose and as such are expected to followed by all in the channel. If you have any questions about the Protocol levels you are encouraged to speak to an Op.