
The Kitchen...
The Formal Dining Hall...



The Inn's menu, has many items on it, of varing prices ranging from very light and inexpensive, to the extememly expesive delicacies.
The primary beverage of any respectable Inn is, Pagar-Sa-Tarna, or just plain paga. This versatile beverage is truly the drink of Warriors, and since this is the #Warrior_Inn, we know You will especially like Ours.  Paga is noted for producing a headache that is comparable to having your head torn asunder by tarn talons, should You drink too much. It is a smooth, fermented brew and known for inducing lascivious behavior in already lusty Warriors.

Another popular beverage is ka-la-na wine, made from the fermented fruit of the ka-la-na tree. Its deep ruby color has the added benefit of stirring the passions of reluctant wenches. This wine is particularly useful to relax a newly collared slut, and can be poured down her throat in tandem with slave wine before dragging her off for her first usage. It may also make a Free Companion much easier to access.

Kalda is a mixture of heated ka-la-na and sweet fruit juices, flavored with heavy spices.

The sul, a deep yellow starchy root vegetable much like an earthen potato. This tasty tuber can be sliced, diced, fried, roasted, toasted and boiled. Best of all, in its fermented form of sul paga, this nondescript produce rises in fame as a drink that can not only get you drunk, but can eat through wooden pilings, and used as fuel when oil is scarse.

The prices are rounded to the full coin instead of bits or pieces thereof, and no change will be given if using a coin of higher value.

The use of gold tarns or coins to pay for food or drink valued at a few mere copper tarsks is considered poor taste. If an item is not on the menu, we don't serve it. If you have a question about something not on the menu, do not accost the Inn slave about it, but instead, see the House Mistress. Some of the items take quite a long time for the slave to serve (ie. bazi tea, black wine, food preparations, etc.); only request to be served items that you have the time to stay and receive the complete serve of. At times the Inn is very busy and the kajirae don't have the time to spare to serve one that will leave halfway through the serve.


The Less Formal Dining Room...