
 * romani[S] quietly moves across the Home to enter the kitchen where large silver trays await. Elegant silver goblets stand atop filled with the finest of celebratory sweet Ka-la-na wine. Heavy laden trays are carried out to be placed silently at each Guest's low tables to be picked and chosen at Their pleasure and leisure before agile form moves swiftly back to serving area.

* romani[S] silently moves across the Home once again, leaving small elegant scrolls to each table, the evening's menu for the food and drinks served written in the colors of the Couple's Castes

<Tustin> romani is leaving menus at your tables, For you dining and drinking pleasure....


@}-;-Welcome to Warrior's Inn!-;-{@
@}-;-Please join U/us in celebrating the Union of Tarl_Redhair and His Free Companion the Lady Kateryn-;-{@
@}-;-Our Menu for this evening is as follows:-;-{@
Roasted & Spiced Vulos
Basted and Herbed Tarsk Slices
Verr Cheese covered Cosian Wingfish
Bosk Steaks in a Kalana Sauce

Variety of Fresh Fruit
Spiced Larma Pie
[ Deep Dish Ramberry Pie warmed and served with whipped Bosk Cream
Tray of Chocolate Delicacies
[ @}-;-Drinks-;-{@
Tankards & Pots of Ale
Goblets of Kalana
Horns of Paga
Tankards of Mead
A variety of fresh Fruit Juices
Small Cups of Turian Wine
@}-;-After Dinner-;-{@
Blackwine, served First or Second Slave
Ceremonial Special Free Companionship Cake
@}-;-All this will be served at Your tables by our beautiful kajira and handsome kajiri.-;-{@
@}-;-Tarl and Kateryn thank You for joining Them this evening and hope You All enjoy Yourselves.-;-{@

Baked, Decorated, and presented by romani[S]

*romani[S]  @}-;-Wheels out a large, elegant Temwood tray. One hand lifts and pulls off the large fine cloth that covers large, tall, four tiered Ceremonial Cake. Brilliant white cream cascades in delicate curls to cover fruit and spice sponge. Flaminiums and Veminiums, in honor of the Couple's Castes drape over towering confiture in elegant falls-;-{@